Silver Tickets

Silver Tickets

Silver Tickets are a type of security attack in Windows environments that target Kerberos, a network authentication protocol.

They allow attackers to generate tickets granting access to specific services without requiring validation from the Key Distribution Center (KDC).

How They Work:

  • Exploitation: An attacker must first compromise a service account to extract its password hash.

  • Ticket Creation: With the hash, the attacker crafts a ticket granting ticket (TGT) for themselves, bypassing the need for actual authentication.

  • Access Granted: The crafted TGT, or Silver Ticket, then grants access to the targeted service, allowing unauthorized actions.


  • Allows unauthorized access to services.

  • Can be difficult to detect due to bypassing standard authentication checks.


  • Regularly change service account passwords.

  • Monitor for unusual activity within the network.

  • Implement multi-factor authentication and limited permissions where possible.

Last updated